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Informative presentations on the electricity market in Turkey
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Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
Electricity Market Regulatory Authority
Devlet Su Ãþleri Genel Müdürlüðü
Turkish Electricity Trade and Contracting Company
Turkish Electricity Transmission Company
Electricity Generation Company
Turkish Electricity Distribution Company
Turkish Atomic Energy Istitution
Turkish Electric Affairs Survey Administration
Untitled Document
Informative Presentations on Turkish Electricity Market

We prepare informative presentations about the current situation of the Turkish electricity market such as structural developments, legal regulations, supply demand balance and prices etc. We present them either at our company headquarters or at the working environment of the customer.

These works are prepared in Turkish or English as requested. In the content of the presentations, after the general current information regarding the electricity market, sectoral details are focused according to the demands and necessities of the customer. To exemplify, main headings in one of our presentations about construction of a nuclear power plant are as follows:

•  Current situation of the Turkish electricity market
•  Nuclear power plant technologies and practices in the world
•  History of the endeavors to construct a nuclear power plant in Turkey
•  Current legislations and incentives regarding construction of a nuclear plant
•  Relevant governmental organizations (ETKB, EPDK, TAK, TETAŞ, etc)
•  Estimated investment cost, prices and financing alternatives
•  Investment roadmap

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Duyuru 2 Eng
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ENERDA Energy Investment and Consulting Co. Ltd.
Çetin Emeç Blv. 1324 Cadde 47/4 Ankara / TURKEY
Tel: 90 312 472 22 56   Fax: 90 312 472 22 56